The Gift of Opportunity: Providing Resources for Women in Construction

In the dynamic world of construction, fostering diversity and inclusivity remains extremely important in creating a vibrant and thriving industry. At She Built This City, we are committed to cultivating a more equitable environment for women and other minorities in this field by providing essential resources and opportunities. From tailored educational programs for all ages to specialized pre-apprenticeship initiatives, we strive to empower women from diverse backgrounds to excel within the construction sector. Our efforts aim to not only provide crucial support to women in construction, but also to amplify their voices and contributions, driving positive change and innovation within the construction industry.

During this holiday season, we’d like to highlight a few ways that She Built This City is providing opportunities for women seeking employment in the trades as well as share some ways that you could help us achieve our goals.

Creating a New Generation of Tradeswomen

One thing that we offer to help guide women towards career success in the trades is our pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs. In these programs, we give post-graduate women the chance to learn and grow in a highly supportive environment, helping them find working opportunities quickly - potentially as soon as they walk out the door. Not only this, but women in our post-college aged programs are also able to network, find connections with other women, and support one another throughout the learning process. Our instructors pour into each student, guiding them towards achievements that they might not have known were possible - crushing self-doubt while broadening horizons for those in any situation or stage of life. 

Empowering Our Youth

Our services are not only designed for adult women, but for school-aged children as well. By involving kids in classes that encourage craftsmanship, ownership, and creativity, we build confidence in their abilities, allowing them to go forward believing that they can do anything. This opens the door for students to explore this industry and all it has to offer, allowing them to be creative with hands-on activities and improve problem-solving skills. Overall, our youth initiatives serve as a potential path to lucrative careers, presenting an alternative to the conventional college education route while contributing to the growth of the skilled trades. Through our customized workshops for various age groups, students can explore the trades and use their minds, hands, and hearts to ignite their spark!

Supporting the Workforce

Our mission to dismantle the barriers found in traditionally male-dominated industries not only empowers the brilliant women that we work with, but also the trades as a whole. From lessening workforce shortages to bolstering innovation in the field, our impact can be seen more and more every day. 

For example, as the newest generation enters the workforce, the construction industry is seeing declines in hiring rates and huge workforce shortages. In the midst of this newfound struggle, arming women with the necessary skills to join the construction industry allows for diversity in the search for capable professionals. Not only this, but building a team that is more inclusive can lead to a greater reputation, a better understanding of different employee backgrounds, and more opportunities to engage in minority communities - once again opening up opportunities for hiring from a greater pool and creating a more diverse industry.

Additionally, including more women in the skilled trades allows for greater innovation and problem-solving. When a workplace is made up of a varied group of individuals, decisions can be made with far more contributing perspectives. When more unique ideas are on the table, a diverse team can solve difficult issues with creative solutions in less time than those with one dominant voice. Overall, this can contribute positively to company and individual performance as longtime goals are met and as new, helpful processes take effect. In tandem with this, as tradeswomen find the opportunity to contribute their ideas, career advancements can be more easily obtained, allowing for more female leadership in construction spaces.

The Joy of Giving Back

In the dynamic realm of construction, where the need for diversity and inclusivity is increasingly important, our commitment to providing essential resources and opportunities is paramount to empowering women and other minorities. This holiday season, we're excited to share the impactful ways you can contribute to our cause. By donating, volunteering, and sharing information about our mission and our programs, you offer women and youth a supportive environment in which to learn, grow, and swiftly embark on fulfilling careers in the trades. Join us in spreading joy, making a meaningful impact, and embodying the essence of the holiday spirit as we look forward to providing opportunities for women in construction.

Going forward, She Built This City hopes to facilitate many more opportunities for women in the Charlotte area and beyond, helping them grow, learn, and succeed in whatever they choose to do. With plans to expand our classes, extend our reach, and touch the lives of each and every eager student that joins us, we look forward to the future as we hope to instill within all women that it is United We Spark!


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